
Singer/ Songwriter


Mein Song:

Wir wolln unsre Stadt nicht braun!

Vorschaubild - Youtube

Upcoming dates:
"Wir sind Kinder einer Erde" - Kinderlieder auf der Spatzenwiese am
Donnerstag, 23. Mai 15:30 Uhr - Sonntag, 26.Mai 15:30 Uhr - Mittwoch, 05.Juni 15:30 Uhr

Kinderlieder beim "Liederfest im Spatzennest"
am Samstag, 13.Juli ab 14:30 Uhr:
Naturfreundehaus Spatzennest (Weidach)

Sonntag, 25. August 11-19 Uhr
Sechster Blaubeurer Bardentreff

Sonntag , 08. September ab 14:30 Uhr
Naturfreundehaus Spatzennest (Weidach)
"Wir sind Kinder einer Erde" - Kinderlieder

Samstag, 21. September 10-14 Uhr
"Green Parking Day" Ulm-City

Donnerstag, 26. September 14:30 Uhr
Generationentreff Neu-Ulm, Reuttierstr. 23
im Rahmen der internationale Woche gegen Rassismus:
Songs gegen Rassismus und Diskriminierung

Samstag, 05.Oktober 10:00 Uhr Donauhalle Ulm
Songs gegen rechts
bei der Kundgebung gegen den AFD-Parteitag in Ulm

Schiffbruch im Mittelmeer - mit meinem Song bitte ich um Spenden für Seawatch:

Vorschaubild - Youtube
Vorschaubild - Youtube
Singing songs against war at the manifestation für peace, Easter 2022
Bardentreff Blaubeuren 2021
Vorschaubild - Youtube
Vorschaubild - Youtube
Session with Mandy Strobel, John Donarsky and Annette
Singen beim Warnstreik der IG BAU 2019 vor dem Werkstor bei Heidelbergzement Schelklingen
CWF Koetz- An evening in August
Beim Sommerfest der Freidenker 2017
If I had a boat

If I had a boat... I'd go out on the ocean
And if I had a pony... I'd ride him on my boat
And we could all together... Go out on the ocean
Me upon my pony on my boat.

If I were Roy Rogers... I'd sure enough be single
I couldn't bring myself to marrying old Dale
It'd just be me and Trigger... We'd go riding through them movies
Then we'd buy a boat and on the sea we'd sail

If I had a boat... I'd go out on the ocean
And if I had a pony... I'd ride him on my boat
And we could all together... Go out on the ocean
Me upon my pony on my boat

The mystery masked man was smart... He got himself a Tonto
'Cause Tonto did the dirty work for free.
But Tonto he was smarter... And one day said kemo sabe
Kiss my ass I bought a boat... I'm going out to sea

If I had a boat... I'd go out on the ocean
And if I had a pony... I'd ride him on my boat
And we could all together... Go out on the ocean
Me upon my pony on my boat

And if I were like lightening... I wouldn't need no sneakers
I'd come and go whenever I would please
And I'd scare 'em by the shade tree... And I'd scare 'em by the light pole
But I would not scare my pony on my boat out on the sea.

If I had a boat... I'd go out on the ocean
And if I had a pony... I'd ride him on my boat
And we could all together... Go out on the ocean
Me upon my pony on my boat

by Lyle Lovett
Songs and lyrics in german and english 0